5 Reasons Why People Become Unmotivated Especially in Presentation

Have you ever feel bored when creating a presentation? And maybe you’ve experienced same things for other action? Then you must know the reason why you feel unmotivated here.
unmotivated people
from Wikimedia

1. They Think about What They Have To Do Next

Do you want to marry a girl? It’s good, right?

But, when you think about what you have to do to marry that girl--like going to her home, negotiating with her father, buying a wedding ring--well, it is actually difficult, right?

This concept is universal--it can be used anywhere. When you look at some multi-millionaires, you may think that life is unfair. You may wondering why you’re not going to be like those people. Being a multi-millionaire seems fantastic.

But, when you see deeper--when you see how these multi-millionaires became multi-millionaires, you will shocked about how hard their life is. Yeah, I know some of them were already born in a rich family. But, others did not. They really worked hard, they gone from bankruptcy to multi-millionaire.

Maybe at some moments, you want to be like them. But, when you know what you must do to be like those people--hard work, uncertainty, demotivating opinions come from everywhere--you’ll never think about it again.

2. They’re Just Tired

When you get sleepy, what do you want to do? Go to bed or run 4 kilometers away? Of course the first choice would be yours.

Your physical condition is an undeniable thing. No matter how hard you try to make yourself motivated, you’ll stay demotivated. My best recommendation is just to take a rest, just awhile.

3. They Think about What’s Gonna Be Required

Do you want to do marathon? You must have a running shoes--and this might cause you to stop from your wanting.

People also get unmotivated when they know what’s gonna be required to do something they want, or to reach something. People will make excuses inside their mind, they’ll think that they don’t have enough money to buy this and that, or maybe they don’t have time to buy required things.

4. They’re Not Finding Any Meaningful Purpose

Apart from quote, purpose is also a kind of motivation. If you have found meaningful purpose of why you do this and that, you’ll do it anyway. No matter how many things you have to do, and how many things required to do it.

5. Nothing Motivates Them

Have you ever done something with various purposes? You know, some of them are the “real” purposes, and the others are just additional things that motivate yourself.

“Real” purpose is just like “to tell people about canoeing”, and additional purpose is like a girl you like are watching you telling people about canoeing.

So, please look for additional purpose that helps you motivate yourself.

Yeah, that’s the high-five! Thanks for reading!

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