How To Make A Very Controversial Opinion

Talking about something controversial is fun to do, right? It increases our adrenaline and lets us out from our “comfort zone”. Now, here’s how to make a very controversial opinion.
controversial opinion
When you tell your controversial opinion, get
ready to be punched right on your mouth.
Source: Pixabay

1. Think about Something with Common Sense

First, try to think about something related to your presentation with your own mind--with your own common sense. Most people’s common sense in this world are same. When you use your common sense, you are actually thinking like everyone. I recommend you to think about something simple, so everyone can understand what do you think. In this moment, you just think normally, and most people will agree with you. It’s just like thinking about “the best way to walk is to use both of your feet.”

2. Make A Contradictory Opinion

Second, after you’ve made a normal opinion of something, you can think about another contradictory opinion. No matter how crazy your contradictory opinion is, you must think about it. Make the most unpredictable opinion of yours. Make the craziest. Because controversy comes from unpredictable and abnormal things that mixed into one.

3. Support Your Opinion with Many High-Quality Data

Then, if you’ve made your craziest opinion, you can then support it with as many data as you can. You can take a data that contains benefits of your opinion, or statistics, etc.. Here, prefer quantity over quality. Just look for as much data as you can find. Data that supports controversial opinion is usually difficult to find. But, if you are on your luck, that’s good!

4. You Can Even Mention Some Names

If your controversial opinion is already supported (or made) by anyone else, you can mention them. You can also explain why are they thinking the same way as you do. You can use the data they used. You can also use the reason they used. Use these people as a weapon to make your controversial opinion stronger.

5. Be Open To Critic

I will tell you something.

When you’ve told and explained your controversial opinion to the people, their mind will start thinking about reasons to fight your opinion back. Some of them would even shout at you and throw you 3 kg of tomatoes. But, yeah, that’s what good from be the wrong side, right? We actually learn something well if we do some mistakes, and someone out there are trying to fix our mistakes.

6. Remember, This is Just An Opinion

Please remember that you are presenting an opinion. It is debatable and arguable. You can’t just deny someone that doesn’t agree with your opinion. So, people may even turn your opinion upside down with very strong reasons, and that’s unpredictable.

Yeah, I think that’s it. I’m tired now. Thanks for reading!

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