5 Questions to Ask When You’re Doubting Yourself

questions to ask when you're doubting yourself
Do you often feel like quitting and doubting yourself? Most people experience this too, and this makes them forgetting their dream, and that’s weird. Here are some questions that will help you get rid of these “doubts”.

1. Do everyone has potential?

Do every human, who has differently magnificent brain, has his/her own potential?

If you think that you are a human, with a mind and common sense, you has some potentials--just like others. And remember that successful people come from everywhere. Successful people are not just come from rich families. Successful people aren’t just come from United States. Successful people are coming from anywhere, you can even prove this by looking at the history of this world.

So what differs us from them? I think that maybe we’re doubting about nothing. Potential isn’t something formulated--we can’t calculate it rightly. But, most of us are just denying our potential because of many causes--maybe there are someone better who you believe you can’t beat, maybe you’re thinking that you’re not talented on this. But, yeah, this certainty kills most people’s dream.

Successful people instead, just keep trying and trying. When there are someone better, they tries to look at them and learn from them. When successful people know that there are something they don’t know how to do, they learn to do it. Successful people never stop, because they’re believing in their own potential, that they can be the best on something they like.

2. Yeah, there are past failures; but, you’re trying something new, right?

The second possibility is: you’re doubting yourself because there are someone with similar condition failed.

But hey, look, he/she failed to do this. The -ed at the last means that it is something in past. It has already happened, why can it demotivates you? You’re trying something new, right? So why don’t you instead, learn something from these past failures done by other people, or even by yourself, and use it to make you stronger, better, and smarter?

3. Hey, who can judge how good you can be?

Maybe you’re doubting yourself because someone are doubting you, and they influence you.

Society is good. You need to be social, anyway. But, there are some things when you must not listen to society. Society even sometimes give bad and demotivating opinion to yourself. Society can doubt you and make you doubt yourself. Society sometimes will say to you that you can’t do it. But, who are them? Are they an expert that can judge your potential and how good you can be? This is your life, and there are only you who can decide how good you can be.

4. When you do something, you are literally improving yourself, right?

When you’re trying to do something, never think about what can you finally get. Don’t think anything about main and final goal.

When you do something, think what can you get when you do it, experiences? New friends? There are much things you can get from doing something, even if it’s just as simple as breathing.

When you’re doubting yourself, you may think about a final goal that you may not reach. So please, don’t think about final goal. Think about what experiences you can get from doing this. Keep doing and struggling, it will always worth something.

5. The hero does something, right?

What happens if Superman stays still when someone needs help? He will never be a hero.

The only specialty any hero possesses is the courage and will to do something anyway, even if they feel fear and they know they’re risking their own life. If you’re doubting yourself, you will stay in doubt and will never do anything to at least advance a little bit. So please, realize that all heroes wandering all over the world have one thing: they do something anyway.

Note this post on your laptop, smartphone, or anything that you can keep with. Then ask yourself these questions whenever you doubt yourself.

Well, that’s all for now. You may ask these questions and share what you feel in the comment section below. And please don’t dare to subscribe, it’s spam-free.

Header image background credit: deviantart (tantio)

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