4 Reasons Why Most People Love To Present Something

Actually, most people love to present something. You may deny this. But, after you see these 4 reasons why most people (like you) would love to present something, you’ll stop your denial.

1. People Can Express What Inside Their Mind

I know most people (even introverts) actually love to tell how’s their day going. Some other like to express what they think in a form of art, like paintings, musics, etc.. People want their thoughts to be heard by some people they want.

One of the easiest way to express thought is just tell it. Yeah, maybe you just want to tell to some specific people you’ve decided, right? But, how about telling your ideas and opinions about something? You want it to be heard by lots of people, right?

Then how to tell your ideas and opinions to lots of people? Of course by presenting it in front of them. What’s good about presentation is that you can support your idea and opinion with visual and auditory media. This will make your argument becomes stronger, and your idea becomes more understandable.

2. There is Q&A Section

Maybe you’ve told someone about how’s your day going. You’re not just going to tell it to him and it’s done, right? You want feedback, and opinion from this “someone”.

In presentation, you can even reach bigger “someone”. You will hear unexpected feedback, opinion, and critic. You can do this by having a Q&A section. If your presentation is interesting enough, there might be a big chance for dozen of hands raised in the Q&A section.

3. Some Want to Build Fame

Every stage show is a chance to increase your fame.

Some people may realize and take this opportunity, some other realize and do not take this opportunity, and others even don’t realize this. The first people--who realize and take this opportunity--trying to present their idea, opinion, and research in the best way they can. This will sociologically increases their presence in people’s point of view. They may be progressing to a “innovative person” or “brilliant thinker” social status. And that’s cool.

4. There’s A Chance To Be A Star

Do you know how companies improve?

They conduct a meeting where some people inside the company gather to share ideas, researches, and opinions. Yeah, of course some of these ideas aren’t going to be taken by the company, but some others do.

This is somewhat similar to when you’re presenting something. There might be a company’s scout, or even public speaking agent who are very likely want to hire you. When you’ve presented your idea, this company’s scout might want to hire you to realize your idea in the company. Then, when the idea had realized, it might become a huge success--and you have a chance to be a star.

Of course people love to present something--if there weren’t any “nervous” feelings. People will present in the similar way when they’re talking about how’s their day going. If you think that you don’t love to present your thoughts, you may be wrong.

Yeah, those are 4 reasons. Presentation seems interesting, right?

Thanks for reading!

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