5 Tips To Start A Presentation Well

One of the most crucial moment in a presentation is its starting section. You must plan carefully and do well in this moment. Here are some tips from me to help you do good in presentation’s starting section.

1. Say hi to the audience

Saying “hi!” is a first-image maker. It will somewhat create your image inside audience’s mind. Your intensity of voice, your excitement, the way you say “hi!” is crucial for this first-image process.

Some cynics and hot-headed people even do not say hi in their first moment. Yeah, they may say another words like “good morning” or something; but they don’t say it like the excited “hi!”. They tell the opening word passionless.

Remember that great starting moment is made to make the audience feels excited so they want to know what are you talking about. One of the easiest way to make someone feels excited is to make yourself exciting, and the great way to be exciting (at least at first) is to say “hi!” with full power of happiness.

2. Play great (and well-known) opening music

Imagine all people are standing up when you come--they give their applause and smile. Well, they greet you greatly.

This might be happens if you play your own cool and well-known opening music. Opening music is an audio that played when you come firstly, or when you are walking to the stage. If your opening music is great and well-known enough, people would start clapping and sometimes, dancing.

People will greet you happily, and one of the most influential factor of this is your great opening music. You can easily make your own opening music by cutting and fading well-known song. You could use the reff of “We Are The World” with some fading effects. This does not break the copyright law, as long as you mention what part of song you use for the opening music.

3. Add curiosity point

You can add any curiosity point(s) I’ve told you in some previous articles. For example, you can add highly effective promise(s) to the audience at the first section of your presentation to make them excited.

4. Add either quote, irony, or other words that makes people re-think about your presentation’s topic

Do you know why many people bored and sleepy in the class? They are not forced to think. Their brain is dead at that moment.

Our mind is just like a car’s engine. Our mind needs a “start”--something which will ignites it. So, my fourth tip to a better presentation’s start is to remind people of something. Maybe how they go to work, does it costs too much? Don’t they want something more effective?

This will make audience’s mind re-thinking and wondering. They may think that you’re right--that nowadays’ transportation is not very effective. This will make people interested to hear your ideas, research reports, and opinions.

5. Pretend that everyone knows you, you are famous

Remember that you’re the star. You’re the one who dominates the stage. Even if this is your first performance, it’s okay to behave like an already well-known public speaker. You can start your presentation without even introducing your name. Then you can tell your name at the end of your presentation and acting like you’ve forget to tell it first. If you want to be the star, behave like a star.

Yep, that’s 5 tips from me. Nice right?

Thanks for reading!

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