5 Tips To End A Presentation Well

To leave a "great" image about yourself inside the audience's mind, you'll need to have a great ending. Here are 5 tips to end your presentation well.

1. Tell a quote

Really, a quote is the best thing you could tell in the end of your presentation. It could contains useful information and esthetic words at the same time. It’s your best try.

There are some tips I’ve wrote an article that helps you create your own great ending quote here. Make it surely meaningful, thoughtful, and helpful.

2. Give the audience a few choices to choose

To make your presentation sticks, you’ll need to leave a question inside your audience’s mind. You must leave a very thoughtful question--a choice question. After talking about your presentation’s topic, ask the audience a choice question, the audience must choose either A or B. Remember that your question must sticks--so keep the audience thinking about the answer of your question. For example, ask a question like “the question now is, do we need to use this new kind of transportation?”. Then, let the audience answer it inside their own mind.

3. Give some advices

Advices at the end make your presentation becomes more useful. People could really get the exact purpose of your presentation. Yeah, most people are actually seeking for applicative advices. You can give it to them.

Just a tip, advice can also be a hint for people to answer your sticky question.

4. Finish your promise (if you promised the audience)

If you made some promise at the starting section of your presentation, I recommend you to not to finish your promise until the ending section of your presentation so people would wait until the end.

If your presentation had reached its end, finish your promise clearly. This would loosen your audience’s mind. A few seconds ago, they’re so damn curious about your last promise. And now it is fulfilled clearly, and that what makes your ending great.

5. Mix all of them, make sure they are connected

Well, if you want a superbly great ending, you can mix all those 4 things above. You can first finish your promise, then you can give advice, then ask the audience, and end that with a meaningful quote. Make sure all of them are connected in a dynamic way.

Well, that's the high-five! If you have any question you can just ask them in the comment. Thanks for reading!

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