6 Most Common Reasons Why People are Coming into Your Presentation

Presentation is not just about speaking, explaining, and answering, it’s actually more than that. Presentation is also a kind of understanding, like understanding why your audience are coming into your presentation, you may want to know the answer, right? So here they are.
people are coming into presentation
Each Group of People Have Different Reason Why They Come

1. They must come

The most used reason why people are coming into your presentation is that because they are forced to come to your presentation. Some of them were maybe some college students who were ordered by their teacher to watch you. They must come to your presentation because they were ordered to do so. They don’t know what they could get from coming into your presentation, but they just coming anyway.

Remember that “the most used” status for this reason (they must come) is not true if you’re already very well-known for your presentation skills and/or your expertise in specific field. So, please don’t be demotivated with this. Maybe you are well-known enough so people are coming because of another reasons.

2. They need an example

Some people would even need a real exact example for something they are working on. Maybe they will do a presentation and they need to watch a real example like you. They may need to see how you put and present a data. They may need to see how an argument should be made, and how to keep it strong. Everyone’s action is an example for everyone else.

3. They want to gather your data

When taking data from websites and lectures is the most used way to gather required data, presentation is also a good source. Some people may note, and even take a picture of your data and record your presentation to help themselves. This is why you must be careful when presenting a data. Someone might takes your data, and you are the one who responsible for its validity.

4. They are your acquaintances

Few groups of people may come because they respect you (only few). They want to support you during the presentation. Maybe you’ve sent some invitation letters to them so they come, or maybe they are so good that they have the initiative to go support you.

5. You’ve made the name for yourself

This is the most common reason why people are coming into your presentation--of course if your name is the well-known one. Your name had already convinced people to come to your presentation. These people may want to see how the great man presents--how good the design is, how he displays data and explains it, etc.. There are many sub-reasons of why people are coming into your presentation when you have already made your name well-known.

6. They hope they will find something

This reason is usually works for “hopeless” people. These people may not know where they should look for something, and when they see your presentation’s advertisement, they may want to come hoping they will find that “something”. These people don’t have an exact purpose why are they coming. They just want to know something specific, hopefully.

That's 6 most common reasons why people are coming into your presentation. Thanks for reading!

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