5 Great Ways To Conclude Your Presentation

great ways to conclude presentation
Great presentation usually comes with great conclusion. Yeah, of course it needs some tips and tricks, which can you find here.

1. Use numbered conclusions

The first way is to conclude with numbered conclusions. This means that you MUST make more than one conclusion. Make sure that these conclusions are short, because they will beautifully arranged into numbers. Well, numbered conclusions look a bit like a list. And people love list because it shows useful information in a simple and less time-wasting way.

2. Connect conclusions and build a paragraph

A quite contradictory to the list method above, but still great way to conclude your presentation is to make a paragraph based on your conclusions. You can connect each conclusion in a systematic way so the paragraph would be arranged and made beautifully.

And remember that there will only be one paragraph that contains connected conclusions. This doesn’t look same when you put each conclusion in different paragraph and explain them one by one--it takes too much time for just a conclusion section.

3. Combine conclusions with a sticky question

The third way, you can simultaneously combine your conclusions to explain the sticky question. These conclusions can also be a kind of persuasion that biased into the sticky question’s choice. You can tell your conclusions first (using other methods), and then tell your sticky question; but you must make sure that your conclusions are related with the sticky question--either supporting, persuading, etc.. The other way, you can use these conclusions for each choice to support the choice.

4. Extract some points from conclusions, and make a quote

All of your conclusion has at least one core. This core is the main thing, the purpose of your conclusion. In this method, you can extract the core from each of your conclusion, and make a quote from them. Remember, one core from one conclusion.

And make sure that these cores are connected to each other in a systematical way--just like the “paragraph” method. Just to make this already beautiful quote become more beautiful than ever.

5. Mix your conclusions into one graphic, and shortly re-explain it

This method is great if you’re presenting a product. You usually talk about this product in detail--mostly about its physical look.

For example, if you’re talking about a phone, you could speak about its curved design, and then show people where this curved design really is. If you talk about other physical aspect of the phone, make sure that you’ve got the visual display too. And in the conclusion section, you can mention these conclusions and re-explain them very shortly.

Okay, that’s 5 ways to conclude your presentation in a great manner--and of course, make it sticks to people’s mind.

Thanks for reading!

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