5 Ways to Make Your Presentation A Lot More Meaningful

make your presentation a lot more meaningful
To make your presentation sticks and remarkable, you need to make it a lot more meaningful than ever. You can use these 5 ways.

1. Make some tips from your whole presentation content

Well, I need to tell you something. People like applicable tips more than just bunch of knowledge. That’s why tips blogs like LifeHack became very famous, because they give some applicable tips and wrap them with some knowledge, rather than simply write about plain knowledge.

I’m surely sure that your presentation always has some applicable tips that need to be shared to your audience. Applicable tip here doesn’t always mean to be general tip--which people could apply into their everyday life. If your presentation tells people about something specific, like how game engine works, then you may give some tips to calculate a game engine’s effectiveness. Just take a look at your presentation content--whether it is specific or not, for genius or for stupid, your presentation content always has something applicable to share with others.

2. Tell something untold

Something untold here doesn’t mean some shocking facts or anything. It can be something which people like you specifically know. For example, if you’re a psychologist, you can share some graphology tips with people--graphology is an easy thing for psychologist, right?

It is shocking to know that something you know may not known well by people. That this “something you know” is a really specific knowledge or skill that would worth a lot if it is shared to others. Just believe that this “untold” thing is easy to find.

3. Tell something mindful and sticks

“Mindful and sticks” literally means meaningful. You can tell something that reminds people about their laziness or anything. Tell something that people would think for their whole life. And, to make this “something mindful” sticks, you can wrap it into a quote, a question, or even a graphic and tell it greatly to the people.

4. Tell others’ remarkable story

Others’ real life story is always unique, and in it’s own way, meaningful. You can tell regretful story, sad, or inspirational story to the people. Tell story that provides value, that tells people about others’ mistakes that they shouldn’t do, that tells people others’ success story that they need to follow.

5. Leave a blank in the audience’s mind

A “blank” in the audience’s mind will make them stay curious for their whole life. It can be something they ask to themselves continuously, reminding them to your presentation, which means that your presentation is meaningful. You can easily leave this “blank” by asking a remarkable and sticks question at the end of your presentation.

Okay, I think that’s all I can give for now. Thanks for reading !

Header image background credit: Wikimedia

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