6 Ways To Motivate Yourself When You’re Not So Enthusiastic To Create A Presentation

not motivated to create a presentation
from Wikimedia
Sometimes, you may not motivated enough to create a presentation, and you keep procrastinating. Realizing this, I’ve wrote this great guide.

1. First, Think That This Presentation Is a Job To Do

Well, you maybe knew that I recommend everyone to create presentation with passion. But for now--for unmotivated people like you, think that the presentation is a job to do. Have a deadline, maybe a quality control, etc.. Just think that your life will be in collapse if you don’t create the presentation.

2. Write Down The Exact Purpose

As a job to do, you can write the exact purpose why you must create the presentation. Maybe it’s a school homework? Or the company asked you?

And please write what you will get if you create and do the presentation. Bucks and fame will be the most likely purpose why you must create the presentation.

Also write what will happen if you don’t create and do the presentation. Maybe you’ll lost your bonus wage? Or your teacher will be mad at you?

3. Search for Related Topics, Scramble, and Maybe You’ll Get One Great Idea

Then you can open your web browser and google for your presentation topic. You can just scramble around web pages, or stumble around stumblepost, or you can even walking around meme sites to find something interesting.

There will be a moment, when your mind suddenly combined an idea from an article, and another idea from another article. Your mind can also surprisingly create a new idea from an article. Two highschool students create a banana skin-powered battery. They said that they got the idea when they read an article about how to make an orange skin-powered battery. They get the idea from just one article.

And then imagine how good it is if people know your great idea. You might be rich, famous, and respected.

4. Write Best Quote, and Imagine That Applause

If you have a “writer’s soul” in you, you might want to write a quote, or best quote to end your presentation.

You can use those beautiful words, analogy, anything. You can then write it in a piece of paper. Then imagine how much applause will come when you read that quote.

5. Imagine and Visualize Unique Presentation Design

Decide your presentation’s design. You can start with theme color. You can then decide the background(s). Then, you can decide the main design theme, it can be retro, or electronic, etc..

Then imagine--just imagine a unique visual presentation you can make. Choose transition effects, animations, etc. inside your mind. Then visualize and realize it by taking a note, or even design it rightly in PowerPoint.

You can then imagine how people will amazed of your presentation.

6. Imagine That Sense of Proud

Maybe now you’ll notice that you are working on your presentation with passion. Because you know that your presentation presents good idea, possesses unique visual design, and ends with great quote. Your presentation is no longer a “job to do”.

Well, this method may works or may not works based on yourself. Just keep yourself at highest level of self.

Thanks for reading!

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