7 Things To Do To Speak Well in Presentation

1. Shut Up When You Got Stuck, Just Awhile

Most great speakers naturally talk about what inside their head. In a few milliseconds, this kind of speaker can make a new idea and talk about it few milliseconds later.

But, I know some people may often got stuck when they’re speaking. They don’t know what to say--they’re ran out of content.

One of the best solution is to shut up awhile. This will make people curious about what will you talk about next, and this will also gives you time to think. Just please remember that to shut up just awhile, or the audience will think that you’re suck.

2. Imagine Something Near You and Use Your Gesture

You can imagine a cloud--which reflects dream, 2 meters above your head and you can use your hand to grab that when you’re talking about people’s dream.

You can also do another kind of gesture. This indicates your high-confidence, plus it will make people easier to understand what are you talking about.

3. Use Analogy If People Don’t Understand

Creating analogy is a fun and easy thing to do.

Please remember that a good public speaker never left his audience confused. A good public speaker will explain his presentation clearly so people understand what are he talking about.

You can make analogy if people do not understand what are you talking about. Maybe you talk too fast, or maybe you don’t have enough media support to explain your presentation. But it’s okay. You can make analogy, it’s easier.

4. Don’t Expect Something Perfect

One of the biggest problem of procrastinators, anxious people, and depressed people is that they’re expecting something to be so perfect so people would say “huzzah” when they see it.

Maybe on the stage, you’re expecting a show with full of applause, or a show with lot of laughs coming because of your joke. Yeah, these thoughts always come. And they usually disturb your speaking performance.

5. Make Sure You Breathe Well Before You Speak

Even some great speakers sometimes do vocal key fault--it’s when you talk and your voice suddenly heightens. There are some other cases when people speak endlessly until they ran out of breath. Both of these cases were not cool at all.

So please make sure that you breathe well before you speak. Make sure that your oxygen tank (a.k.a lungs) are full before you use some of the oxygen.

6. Get Rid of Your Negative Thoughts

You’re thinking that you’re not handsome enough? Or maybe you wear wrong set of dress? Or maybe your hair does not styled well?

Please get rid of these things. They put pressure inside your mind.

7. Speak Over-Confidently, A Little Bit Arrogant Is Okay

Please raise your head when you speak. Be over-confident. Think that you’re the best man on the planet, just for the show. And I personally recommend a little bit arrogant personality. But do remember that you must be over-confident only when you’re on the show.

Well, these are some tips to speak well on the show. Please remember or note these points--and then you will always speak well on the stage.

Thanks for reading!

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