4 Tips to Share Your Idea Inside a Presentation

Presentation is a way to share a mix of research, idea, opinion, etc. - that’s why most people love to present something, of course without that “nervous” feeling.
Share your idea in a presentation
from Flickr

Sharing our opinion is the most enjoyable thing we can do from presenting something. Actually, sharing idea is also very enjoyable, but sometimes our mind stuck, don’t we?

Its idea which made telephone, television, camera, and many more. Inventors invented with idea in their mind.

That’s why idea is so precious so it must be told in a crystal clear way so people can understand it.

Now I will tell you some tips to tell your idea to hundreds of audience in a crystal clear way.

1. Tell What People Understand First

If you want to tell people about jet-powered toothbrush, why don’t you tell ‘em about jet engine and toothbrush first? Then you can tell your audience that you want to mix those two things up into one.

The key is to tell what people understand first (of course it must be closely related to your idea), then tell them your idea. It can be analogy, or a thing you want to modify with your idea, or some things that you want to mix up into one like that toothbrush case above.

2. Make Sure People Keep Paying Attention

You’ve told your idea in a crystal clear way, but no one paying attention? That’s worthless.

To keep people paying attention, you can tell jokes, or stories, etc..

Just in case, I’ve wrote some tips to keep people paying attention here.

3. Don’t Tell Unrelated Things

Some public speakers often told people story that has nothing to do with the presentation - this is often to make the audience laugh, well, this is good.

But telling ideas is a different case. People are not yet really understand what are you talking about. They’re still thinking about what do you mean - in this moment, their mind are focused into understanding your idea. So don’t distract them with unrelated things like those laughter stories.

4. Use Various Kinds of Media

This is not a secret again, you must use graphics, audios, images, etc. to make people understand your ideas.

Well, that’s it for now. Yep, I have another tips for you but I run out of time. So maybe I will write it later. So please subscribe, and thanks for reading!

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