How To Get Inspiration for Your Presentation from A News Article

get inspiration from a news article
From Pixabay
Maybe you’ve read my article that told you to stumble around news articles - I’m not joking there, stumbling around news articles is a great thing to do to get more inspiration. Yeah, I know some people may deny this - but that’s inevitably because they don’t know how to get the most out of a news article.

So, how to get the most inspirations out of a news article, especially for your presentation?

1. Pay Attention to Every Word

Whenever and wherever you are, it’s best to stay focused when you read a news article, especially to find an inspiration - it’s not like usual when we’re just curious about who, why, when, how, where, and what; we’re not just looking for info, we’re looking for inspiration.

So please, do read and pay attention of every word inside that news article. Honestly, I write this article because I read a word “news” in an article. With just one word, I am inspired to write this guide for you.

2. Relate Related News Content

Well, if you want to make a presentation about environment, it’s best for you to stumble around environment news.

Why? Because you’re not just getting inspiration - you can get useful info, related jokes, and even that precious valid data.

3. Look for Similar Place and Time

When you found a news titled “Wisconsin is On Fire!”, why don’t you relate it with your own story, or even your real experience. It would be like “yesterday, when I stumble around news articles, I found an article titled Wisconsin is On Fire! Well, i don’t know what does it mean, but it reminds me of a story that really happened in Wisconsin around ten years ago”. Very easy trick, right?

4. Try to Analyze The Article from Some Point of View

Everything is analyzable, so does news article.

In a journalist’s point of view, an article could miss a “how” journalistic point. In an English language teacher view, an article could use too much words a.k.a ineffective. In a psychologist view, an article could express its writer’s melancholic personality.

Yep, there are many ways to find out inspiration from various sources, especially news article, which is we’re talking about now.

Well, thanks for reading!

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