How To Be Creative and Create Your Really Own Presentation Content


Most of Us...

You know, most of us are just researching when it comes to presentation content. Some of us add our own opinion to the data - in most cases, mainstream and predictable opinion.

We can add extra “spices” in our presentation with meaningful opinion, our own quote, our own artwork, etc..

However, most kinds of presentation must come with data. So what I mean to be creative here is to add some “spices” - something that will add audience’s excitement, sometimes laughter, and sometimes applause - rather than boringly plain data.

So how to be creative and create your own “spices”?

1. Prioritize and Organize Your To-Dos

Being creative is highly associated with focused mind. Your brain can get stuck if you’re not focused on what are you doing now. You’re worrying about another thing, like another task you have to do.

There are two ways to eliminate this worrying feeling: you can either do all another tasks first, or you can prioritize and organize them clearly so you know where you must do them.

You can prioritize your tasks with drop-down list or another kind of to-dos. I think it’s better to prioritize rather than putting clock on tasks like “I must do this at 9:00 PM”, because you’re not pursued by any time limit, and you can say “After I do this, I will do that”.

2. Be in Good Mood

I am not telling you to do any meditations or whatsoever - just do whatever thing that can improves your mood.

If you don’t like calm condition, you can just shuffle LMFAO album and dance like hell - it’s all up to you. As long as it makes you feel good, it improves your mood, and it makes you a lot more creative.

3. Take a Rest; and Do...

When you get stuck, please do rest. You can just take a 5 minutes break or more, its up to you.

I recommend you to shuffle around news, social media updates, etc. to get another ideas for your presentation content. It might be a friend’s joke which is related to your presentation, a news you can tell to your audience, shuffling around this big world really improves our creativity.

Well, that’s all for now. Just for info, I write crazily because of these tips; I often listen to LMFAO’s Party Rock Anthem when I wrote, I sometimes took a rest and shuffle around social media updates, ALL THESE TIPS WORK!

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