4 Things Which Reflect Speaker’s Personality

When you’re sitting with hundreds of people around you, listening to a public speaker - really, you can do something else.

reflect speaker personality
from Wikimedia
Yep, you can joke, you can play your smartphone’s game, you can tweet - but that’s not what I mean. “Something else” means to do something that really educative, entertaining, and in this case - peculiar.

I will tell you how to do personality reading. Reading public speaker’s personality is a great thing to do. It is actually entertaining - maybe you’ll laugh. It is also educating, knowing things those indicate a person’s personalities. And personality reading is a peculiar thing to do - which is great.

I will show you 5 indicators - basic indicators - which indicates a public speaker’s personalities.

1. Eye Contact

Knowing how a speaker see his audience is an easy thing to do, right?

Maybe you found someone who spoke plainly, without looking at the audience - staring at oblivion. This indicates a person’s low-confidence. Well, this may be wrong because staring at oblivion can mean that a person is trying to remember something or to create words inside their head. This can also mean that this person just want to get the job done.

2. Smile

Have you ever seen a speaker who big-smiled like a joker - endless?

Clear and endless smile indicates nervousness. Necessary and appropriate smile - at appropriate time and place - indicates that this person is in a comfortable condition.

3. Gesture

I’m not talking about how a speaker uses his hand, or how he moves his body - it’s an expert thing, Instead, I want you to remember these gesture indicators:

a. Appropriate, and various gestures indicates high-confidence and comfortable feeling.
b. Constant gestures with little variations indicates expressive person and mediocre nervousness.
c. No or very little amount of gestures indicates very high level of nervousness.

4. Vocal Intensity

Vocal intensity indicates two things:

a. Various vocal intensity: feel relaxed and comfortable.
b. Plain vocal intensity: could indicates nervousness, or maybe this person do not have any idea.

Yeah, I think that’s all for now. Honestly, it is a little bit difficult to make this post long because this post is a full point-based information.

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