How To Clean Your Mind So You Can Design Your Presentation Well

Artists often do nothing for a long time before creating something great - they clean their mind first.

Wise people often said
Empty your mind so it can be fulfilled again.
Cleaning your mind means to clear thoughts from your mind, or just temporarily hide them - so your mind has enough room to be fulfilled with ideas for your presentation.

The Steps

Now I will tell you 4 steps, just 4 steps.

1. Clear or Hide Your Thoughts

Thoughts like “my friend got obesity” are easy to erase, they usually disappear when you start concentrating on your presentation.

But, what about thoughts like the girl you love, or maybe your grandpa just recently dead? They’re hard to forget, don’t they? Thoughts like these become stronger even when you’re trying to forget them.

So what’s the solution?

We can’t easily forget this kind of thoughts, so what we do is to temporarily hide them by not thinking about them, don’t try to forget them, just ignore these thoughts. Even if you remember them sometimes, it’s okay.

2. Imagine Great Things That will Happen When You Speak. Let Them Flow

Imagine thousands of people give a standing applause for you. Imagine that you polish your final slide with a quote that move everyone’s heart. Imagine that you make all those people in front of you laugh so hard. They’re all beautiful.

There are endless possibilities about great things you will think. Think like you will be a star in your upcoming presentation, put high expectation for yourself.

3. Take a Break

After cleaning your mind and filling them again with expectation, it’s time for you to take a break. Re-arrange those expectations, like when do you want to make people laugh, when do you want to make people give applause for you, and so on.

You can even take a note and write those expectations and how they will fit in your presentation. If this step takes lots of time, its okay.

4. Design!

After doing all those steps above, its time to putting your thoughts, ideas, and expectations into slides. Combine them with valid data you’ve acquired, and make sure the presentation matches your expectation.

Be optimistic about yourself. Expect high, then you’ll do high.

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