Aspects of Presentation

Presentation is used to share ideas, reports, etc. - it is made to make people understand what are you trying to tell. There are two aspects of presentation:
1. You
2. Supportive components

You are...

I put you at the first point, because you are the most important aspect of a presentation - you tell people what you want to tell, you entertain them, you answer their question - essentially, presentation is all about YOU.

That’s why I will write dozens of psychology-themed articles, like “how to be confident”, etc., that every single of them helps you to be a better public speaker.

What? Supportive components?

The second point, supportive components, is many, very many things rolled into one to make your presentation a lot better compared to when there are only you who speaks, without any supporting medias, etc.

This is what people think about supportive components, they’re wrong.

You’re thinking that “supportive components” are only about images, audios, and videos, right? That’s right - at first. You will learn that there are other supportive components like audience’s cultures, their sense of humor, “blend moments”, presentation scripts, there will be lots of fun when you are going to the next level of presentation skills!
Interesting, right? I promise there will be a lot to learn for you (and also for me). We will go together through the next level, and then up, up, up, and so on.


Great people always have a habit to learn - they can’t stop learning, so do you. They always learn and practice, and they do it everyday, so do you. To be the greatest at presenting something, you must learn, always, everyday, every time. And if you don’t want to miss some posts here, you can subscribe using the subscribe boxes at the right sidebar. Don’t stop learning. Don’t stop practicing.

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