How To Design Your Best Presentation

design your best presentation

A “best” presentation is not only involves best speaker and on-stage action. Best presentation mostly affected by it’s designing process. Now, how to design a “best” presentation?

1. Choose trending topic

The first thing you should really do is to choose trending (and if possible, long-lasting) presentation topic. No matter how hard you try, how fun your joke is, your presentation will be full of bullshit, and somehow boring for the audience.

And, how to choose a trending topic? I really recommend you to go to Twitter first. You can set the trending topic widget (usually at the right sidebar) either to Worldwide or localized to your area (or where your presentation will held). You will then find some topics you can choose. There will be hashtags, and sometimes, just few words without hashtag. I recommend you to choose long-lasting topic. Do not choose a topic that made to celebrate a special day, or to welcome a new album, or something like that.

2. Brainstorm your presentation and start looking for content

The next step you should do is to brainstorm your presentation. Fill your presentation with “things I want to put inside this presentation”. For more information about how to brainstorm your presentation, click here.

Then, you need to put these “things I want to put inside this presentation”. See the difference? Brainstorming means finding “things I want to put inside this presentation”, looking for content means “putting these things I want to put inside this presentation”.

3. Analyze place, time, audience, anything

To get the most of your presentation, you need to make it flexible. Present in the afternoon if the place is on a high place because there won’t be a lot supply of oxygen, and it will be too cold in the night. No matter how great you are, if you don’t plan your presentation and look for the real situation on the stage, there is chance that you’ll do a faulty presentation.

Well, analyzing doesn’t just mean analyzing things and put them on place so you’ll present well. You may find something you can use to make your presentation a lot better. For example, if the stage supports water splash or something, you can splash yourself with water and make the audience crazy. It’s fun, tough.

4. Start imagining your “special moments”

Remember that you want to make a “best” presentation, so there must be something special about it.

You can put some special things by imagining it first. Just take a time to focus about creating these special things. There may come some ideas from nowhere. It can just “pop” in your mind. These special moment are things that make your presentation becomes greater. It can be curiosity point, funny joke, mindful quote, etc.. Anything that makes the audience amazed.

5. Remember to write down your analysis and imaginations

This is somewhat unimportant step, but, if you don’t do it, you may become very regretful.

Analyzing and imagining doesn’t mean just look and think. You will think that you can remember all of your analysis results and imaginations, but really, you can’t, there will be something you’ll forget.

I really recommend you to write down all of your analysis results and imaginations. This recommendation comes from my real experience. I thought I could remember all of my analysis results and imaginations, as long as I could remember, all of them were great, and very useful for my next presentation. Yeah, but regret always comes later, right? So then, I lost some of my analysis results and imaginations, at that time, I was very regretful.

6. Start practicing

The last thing you need to remember and do is to start practicing your presentation. If you have planned your presentation well, this is the right time to start practicing it. You can face a mirror, and then speak. Notice your gesture, expression, anything. Believe that there will always be something you need to improve.

That’s 6 steps to make your best presentation. Start planning and practicing !

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