How To Speak to Thousands of People and Get Respected When You Speak

Lots of us were just often speak to dozens of people, or maybe hundreds - but thousands?

Yeah, I know some people might have problem with this kind of huge presentation. Maybe they’re already building their reputation, and their first presentation already attracts thousands of people.

We’re talking about nervousness and respecting your audience here. You can’t smile to every one of them without spending days. And you sometimes fulfilled with nervous, pounding heart, stomachache, headache, and sometimes lost of focus can get into your body when facing those people.

Realizing this, I’ve wrote some steps to help you deal with this condition.

1. Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience can help you to respect them, mostly their cultures. Understanding your audience helps you to choose the right jokes for your speaking session. When you understand your audience, it feels like you understand your best friend’s personal life; you understand their struggle, their recent sad moments, their fashion trend - talk about these things, then your audience will think “wow, this person knows my life, ironic unemployment around me, he respects me. So maybe I must show some respect to him”.

2. Organize Your Audience

You can divide your audience with any factor you know. It can be where they come from, maybe half of your audience come from Kansas, when the rest come from Texas. You can then tell different jokes to each of them - use your eye contact to show to whom you’re talking to. But do remember this: you mustn’t talk to a specific piece of audience in a long time - it can hurts others’ feeling.

3. Take Control of The Show

This is still the best thing a public speaker can do. When you’re in control of the show, you are indirectly persuade your audience to respect you - because you’re the great one, you are the star.

I’ve wrote an article that tells you how to take control of the show, really, check it out.

4. Have A Q&A Session

Public speaking is literally a one-way information traffic. Essentially, you are the only one who told people about something. People can’t talk back, you just speak and it’s done.

Some people will even interrupt you when you’re talking because they want to know something, or maybe they just want to tell their disagreement.

So please, make a Q&A session for every of your speaking session, and tell the audience that there will be a Q&A session - and then they will sit down, listening silently to you, because they know there will be a time for them to talk.

5. Speak A Little Bit Slower

If you are asking for exact tip, you’ve got one: speak slower.

Best public speakers in the world (even comedian), speak clearly. And one way to make sure that you’ll speak clearly is to speak with slightly slow tempo. No one will understand a person that speaks at 60 miles per hour.

Yeah, I think that’s all for now. I, literally have some other tips for you, but I’m already very tired today because I’ve done lots of homework, plus this post is already 500 words long.

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With my best regard, thanks for reading!

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